Monday, January 26, 2009

Hanle Family

I love these old formal family portraits !! This is my Mom, top left, with her siblings and parents, probably about 1933, the year she was married and left home. She was the first to get married, even though sister Bertha, top right, was older. Ervin was the older of the two brothers and died at the young age of 28, leaving behind a wife and two young children. Heart ailments run rampant in the family, and unfortunately, medical technology was not then what it is today. Robert (Bobbie) and Delores (Sis) were the youngest siblings and always seemed to me the most mischievous of my aunts and uncles. Albert, immigrated to South Dakota from Germany at 16, and Katherine's parents had immigrated years earlier. They moved to Ohio in the mid 30's during the depression for Grandpa to work in coal mines and later in the steel mills. They eventually became owners of a mobile home park, which grew and flourished. My first memory of a visit to Ohio was for Uncle Ervin's funeral - I was 5 years old. Gandpa and Grandma had the first TV I ever saw - a tiny little box with a black and white moving picture. Three years later, 1948, we had our first TV in our home on the farm.

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