Monday, May 25, 2009

In Memory

Whatever we do on this Memorial Day holiday weekend, we should always think about its true meaning and take time to remember the many men and women who have sacrificed their lives to protect our country and freedoms. Members of our family have served in the Navy, Army and National Guard. Those who were involved in combat, came home safely. Your Dad served in the U.S. Navy as did my Mom's brother, Bob, both during peaceful times. Four of my Dad's brothers were in the Army during World War II. My brother was drafted into the Army and saw action during the Vietnam War. Your Uncle Verne, his daughter Jodi and son Mike, are National Guard members. I had two friends in Tulsa that have loved ones who sacrificed the ultimate. Their names are etched on the Vietnam Wall Memorial - a husband to one, a son to another. These men were also a father, a son, a brother or an uncle to someone. I am thankful for those who serve our country presently, and for those who have served in the past. I am grateful for safe returns.

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