Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sing Like No One is Listening

This is a photo taken from my '58 high school annual - that's me in the middle row, right. I sang in the girl's chorus, the mixed chorus, this sextette, plus solos. There would be concerts staged at the school, we went to local and state contests and it was just another all round fun activity. I often find it unbelievable that I did a lot of the things that I did. Today, I can barely "carry a tune in a bucket" !!! I am reminded of a time when I believe I was singing along with a song in the car one day and you said "Please don't sing, Mommy". Today, I only sing in the car when I am alone and listening to my favorite radio station. AND, the windows are closed !!


Tammy said...

Yes, I remember asking you to not sing. I also remember your response, "But, I used to sing in the chorus in high school!" And, that I felt I had hurt your feelings.

Ginny said...

So many people give me "a hard time" about a lot of things, good naturedly, of course, that my feeling don't get hurt that easily. I have grown very used to laughing at myself !! Love, MOM