Monday, April 20, 2009

Cherry Blossom Time

A few days ago, Hilery emailed photos of cherry blossom time in Japan. They were taken in the early '80's and I especially like this one of her with the blossoming trees in the background. Of course, Gramma loves all photos of her "favorite" grand-daughter !! When we were at the Bellagio Conservatory recently, I took the photo of the Asian garden area. The cherry blossoms were full and scrumptious looking. The entire gardens were just a "little bit of heaven" !!

1 comment:

Hilery said...

The memory I have of that day during the cherry blossom festival was running down a pathway and all the petals falling around me like snow. It was magical in my mind! And I could spend the whole day in the Bellagio Conservatory!!!