Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Scented Memories

Sometime ago, I showed the photo of the old perfume bottle Mom had kept for so many years. When I came across that bottle on the day I was helping her clean out some high cabinets and she told me about Dad having given it to her, it brought back memories of the first perfume your Dad gave to me when we were dating. I did not keep the bottle after I used it all, but, thanks to Ebay, I found one very similar. The scent had a bit of spice to it and I think influenced my choice of perfumes forever after. As usual, I believe his mother chose this gift for him to present to me, but, that has always been okay with me -- she had excellent taste !!! This bottle in it's little case, will go into "the treasure chest", now.

1 comment:

June said...

Ohhh my goodness, i do remember Tweed perfume and can remember using it back in the 70's ... you brought back lots of memories for me too Ginny. I think my other faves were 'Charlie' and 'Yardleys 'Chic'
Hugs June x