Monday, January 5, 2009

Mothers and Babies

When you presented me with a grand-daughter, I became enamored with watching mothers with their babies, not only the human ones, but the animals, too -- AND, there another collection began. A gift shop was located in the same strip mall as the salon where I was working as a hair stylist at that time. There were all these wonderful Goebel figurines of animals with their babies and of course, the panda bear caught my eye !! As time passed, the collection grew to include the Lladro ducks and the Nao hen and chicks along with most all of the Goebel animals that were available. I picked up the cat with her kittens in the shoe at an antique mall. Your Dad cut plexiglas to cover the shelves on the baker's rack that I chose to display them on when we bought our townhouse. This is only one of the three shelves full. Even though your child has grown to be a beautiful woman, mothers interacting with their babies will still draw my full attention.

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